Why You Shouldn't "Target" Your Customers

A question I get asked all the time is, “How can I target my ideal client or customer?”

I want you to change the word target to connect. And instead of treating your audience like a target that you literally want to go after, think about the fact that you want to connect with them to build a relationship and build rapport, because it's social media, so you're socializing with them.

This is going to change the spirit of your content.

Your content is going to be less centered on you like shouting down at them to target them, and more about how you can pull them in and that's going to positively affect your conversion rate.

Second, you have to do a little bit of research. You have to know what kind of content stops their scroll. See what they're interested in and what they're looking for so that you'll actually be relevant and on the radar.

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