The Power of Storytelling in Marketing

Why is storytelling such an effective marketing technique?

It's because we learn through stories.

I'm a mom, I have three children. My two little girls, whenever we need to teach them an idea that might actually be a little bit too complex for them at their age, we get a book about it. We'll start with a story because it's comforting and because it's something that can help us navigate the situation.

Even if it's something really heavy, something like grief, or loss, or anxiety — I think the fact that these patterns start in childhood, whenever we want to grasp something new or something big or something bold, we start with a story. It just touches our heart and candidly, we carry that into adulthood.

Whenever we are being introduced to a new concept, we want to immediately make a human connection.

If we start with story, it feels that much more real. We're connecting to the fact that someone else is going through an experience it feels shared. And so if a brand effectively uses storytelling, we're going to feel a human connection to that brand.

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