Creating Content Doesn’t Have to Be So Hard

I’m about to share one of my favorite content tips. If you're struggling to create content — remember that not all of the content that you share has to be original.

And here's what I mean by that. Don't get me wrong: I am fanatical about giving credit whenever I quote someone, or share their content with my community.

But what I mean is that when you're stuck, one of the opportunities that you have is to curate content for your audience. If you're well informed, and you tell your audience

“Hey, this is what I'm reading, this is what I'm learning, and I want to share it with you.”

You're positioning yourself as their guide. You're positioning yourself as an authority and an expert in the field who can shorten the distance for them to learn the things that they want to learn.

And that is valuable, and they'll appreciate that. It doesn't have to always be your own original ideas from your own brain. It can be you sharing and attributing another expert who you want to share with your audience to deliver value that is relevant to them.

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