The #1 change you can make to your linkedin profile right now

The number one change that you can make to the ‘About’ section of your LinkedIn profile — which is going to make a huge difference — is to change it to first person.

So instead of it saying, “Sara McCord runs a marketing communications firm” or “Sara McCord was published here”, you’ll want to write our your experience coming from YOUR point of view.

If I came up to you and I met you in person, and I was like, “Sara McCord has done all of these impressive things”, you would walk away from me because that's weird. Instead, I would come to you and say, “Hi, I'm Sara. I own a marketing & communications firm. Here are the things that I specialize in. Here the things that I care about.”

That's how we connect with someone in a personal setting.

Again, it's social media, you want to build a relationship. So, open up your LinkedIn right now and change your bio from a stuffy third person narrative, to literally talking about who you are, what you've done, and what you care about.

The rate at which people will accept your connection requests will go through the roof.

Ready to update your LinkedIn right now? Click here and get three more ways in our free guide & Make Your LinkedIn Profile a "Must-Connect" in the Next Hour.



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