This Company Has The Best #blackfriday Marketing —And They’re Not Even Open

REI has the best Black Friday campaign.

In fact, it’s so good they’ve been running the exact same marketing since 2015: It’s called #optoutside .

Opt Outside is exactly what it sounds like. REI’s big retail plan for Black Friday is to close.

You read that right: REI’s retail stores are closed on #BlackFriday. And here’s all of the reasons that’s brilliant:

Let’s begin with being a company that lives it values—for its team as well as its customers. REI wants its community to spend the day outside; and that starts with giving its employees the day-off. Don’t you just love them already?

Next, you have the “stop-the-scroll” factor. In a sea of 20% off, 50%, BOGO, slash-throughs; REI isn’t competing for your attention. And that’s exactly why they win. Because you’re not comparing one discount to another, you’re comparing one ethos to another (see the last point).

But wait: There’s more. REI sells gear so you can enjoy the outdoors. So, while you’re chewing over the idea of let’s say, a hike instead of a shopping trip; you may remember that you could use some new boots or gloves. You know what store what help you get outside on Black Friday? REI. Maybe you should buy what you need in advance—and they have helpful links for that.

And we can’t forget that #optoutside is a hashtag, making it eminently sharable and encouraging user-generated-content that they can repost of their customers getting outside on Black Friday, building content and community.

There you have it: A values-driven marketing strategy that elevates them above the competition, encourages sales without discounting or FOMO, and builds community through shared beliefs.

Looking to build your last-minute holiday marketing content? I’ve got the jumpstart you need for $7.


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