Creating content & fear of cancel culture

What does advice about living your values and niching down have to with cancel culture? Everything--in the best way.  

Several months ago, a client of mine wanted to write a thought leadership article explaining everything a public figure did right in a speech they gave. She knew walking through a real-life example would help her target audience.

But she had a concern: The speech was given Dr. Anthony Fauci.

She asked me: "What if people click out or don't want to work with me because it's a speech in favor of mask-wearing?" 

And so I asked her a question back: “Would you want to take on a client who wouldn't hire someone because they believed in wearing a mask?”

Her answer was no, and she went ahead and wrote the article. 

I love this example, because it shows so clearly that we don't need to be afraid of alienating someone who doesn't resonate with our message--when we're not writing for them anyway.

Oftentimes, when someone's message isn't gaining traction, the first question to ask is if they've thought through who their ideal customer is. The follow-up advice is to write content for that person.

It amazes me how many thought leaders nod along to advice about niching down, but panic at the thought of sharing something that speaks to their values for fear that every single follower won't like it. Don't fear that: It's going to happen--and it's going to simultaneously solidify your relationship with those who connect with you.

Now, since I mentioned cancel culture, I'd be remiss not to mention that if you take my advice, and you share your values as part of your message, you are opening yourself up to a few things. Yes, you may be opening yourself up to trolling. Yes, you're opening yourself up to a fresh level of accountability. Yes, if you get it wrong, the internet will check you.  

But that's why you get to take a step back and say: Do I want to work with people who disagree with me on this? Do I care enough about this to get checked if I get it wrong? And also, do I want to open myself up for the opportunities I'll gain to work with people who resonate with my content--not only because of the tactical tips I provide, but the broader picture of myself that I share as well?

That content is often the most memorable, as well as valuable---and it converts.


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